Se for culpado, ai de mim: ou o livro de Jó, uma tragédia?


  • João Pedro Castro da Luz Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena UNESP



Book of Job, Bible, Tragedy, Prometheus Bound


The present article seeks to answer whether the Book of Job, conceived around the fifth century BC, can be considered a tragedy, as well as the Greek tragedies, which were written about the same period, through a comparative analysis of this book with Prometheus Bound and the use of some concepts given by Aristotle’s Poetics for the conception of a tragedy, such as the need for prologue, epilogue, exodus and chorus. not forgetting the differences between Greek and Hebrew cultures, from which Prometheus bound and the book of Job emerged.

Author Biography

João Pedro Castro da Luz, Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena UNESP

Bacharel em teatro pela Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH) e em Arte, Teatro, pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp)


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How to Cite

Castro da Luz, J. P. (2019). Se for culpado, ai de mim: ou o livro de Jó, uma tragédia?. Olhares, 6(1), 52–59.