The non-do minant place of Drama in the Post-Modernity

The cases of Peter Szondi and Hans-Thies Lehmann


  • Paulo Ricardo Berton



Dramatic writing, Dramatic genre, Raymond Williams, anti-dramatic theory, Jean-Pierre Sarrazac


The field of Dramatic Writing, a genre that cannot do without ontological elements such as conflict, for example, is the target of constant attacks by authors who follow the dominant precepts of their own historical contexts. This paper, supported by the ideas of Raymond Williams and Jean-Pierre Sarrazac, problematizes the defense of the supremacy of the epic in drama, in the work of Peter Szondi and the concept of post-dramatic, in the book of the same name by Hans-Thies Lehmann, bringing them together , respectively, from the teleological thought of the 19th century and the liquid thought of postmodernity, questioning the pertinence and relevance of these ideas in relation to the multifaceted dramatic literary genre.

Author Biography

Paulo Ricardo Berton

Professor Associado do Departamento de Artes da UFSC, atua no curso de Graduação em Artes Cênicas e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura (PPGLit). Graduação em Artes Cênicas (UFRGS/1999). Mestre em Letras (PUCRS/2007). PhD em Teatro – University of Colorado at Boulder (2010). Líder do grupo de pesquisa Núcleo de Estudos em Encenação Teatral e Escrita Dramática (NEEDRAM), que é membro do Network of Higher Education in Performing Arts (ITI/UNESCO). Organizador do SBEDR – Seminário Brasileiro de Escrita Dramática: Reflexão e Prática. Coordenador da Cia. Teatral Miletrê. Encontra-se atualmente em afastamento pós-doutoral junto ao Wiener Wortstätten em Viena, Áustria.



How to Cite

Berton, P. R. (2025). The non-do minant place of Drama in the Post-Modernity: The cases of Peter Szondi and Hans-Thies Lehmann. Olhares, 11(1), 117–124.