Corredor de Memórias

Corpo, casa e objeto


  • Maria Cláudia Mesquita Poças Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena



Creative process, Body, Voice, Installation Art, Expressiveness


Art and life are intertwined in the creation process of a stagecraft, which is presented as an analytical memorandum, developing intersections between references from the Performing Arts and Philosophy. A parallel is established between the house space and the scenic space, investigating the expressiveness of the body regarding specific aspects of the voice, sound, video and objects. It is intended to share certain aspects of the creation process, aiming to compose a plot of meanings that emerge from symbolic elements that mobilize the researcher and the research.

Author Biography

Maria Cláudia Mesquita Poças, Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena

Cantora e atriz formada pelo Teatro-escola Célia Helena (TECH), pós-graduada em Corpo: Dança, Teatro e Performance pela Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH). Mestranda em Artes da Cena na ESCH, sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Sonia Machado de Azevedo.



How to Cite

Mesquita Poças, M. C. (2020). Corredor de Memórias: Corpo, casa e objeto. Olhares, 8(1), 41–51.