Grotowski and the grotowskians


  • Richard Schechner New York University



Grotowski, Theatrical models, Experimental theater


The article reviews the technical and aesthetic influence from the polish director Jerzy Grotowski, who passed away in 1999, discussing the different currents which claim the grotowskian model. Schechner describes projects those develop research from Grotowski’s proposals, and set relationships up between those “designated” as heirs of the master, and other followers, analyzing the constitution of grotowskian tradition.

Author Biography

Richard Schechner, New York University

Fundou o Performance Group em Nova York. É editor fundador da TDR - The Draman Review: The Journal of Performance Studies. Professor de Estudos da Performance na Tisch School of Artes, New York University e diretor artístico do East Coast Artists.


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How to Cite

Schechner, R. (2015). Grotowski and the grotowskians. Olhares, 2(1), 6–13.