Ten steps that keep stage and audience apart


  • Luciana Magiolo Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena (ESCH)




Improvisation, Dramatic play, Theater play, Keith Johnstone, Frank Totino


Improvisation and dramatic play as a procedure for the discovery of significant resources in the field of acting/actor reception/spectator. The text shares the experience in the Workshop of Improvisation by Frank Totino held in July 2010, at the School of Arts Célia Helena, while pointing some reflections on the contemporary improvisation.


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PAVIS, Patrice. Dicionário de teatro. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2005.

PESSOA, Fernando. Obra poética. São Paulo: Nova Aguilar, 1997.

PUPO, Maria Lúcia de Souza Barros. In: prefácio de RYNGAERT,

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How to Cite

Magiolo, L. (2015). Ten steps that keep stage and audience apart. Olhares, 2(1), 20–27. https://doi.org/10.59418/olhares.v2i1.24